Sunday, June 26, 2011

Video Game Review! Angry Birds!

This is Angry Birds for pretty much all the iPods and iPads and everything Apple (except the computers). Angry Birds is a challenging game where you try and launch birds to knock pigs out of the game. If you're wondering why the birds are angry it's because the pigs stole their eggs. You're trying to get the eggs back from the pigs and when you hit the pigs with the birds, the pigs will go 'Poof!' and disappear.

Here are the birds in the game:
-There is a regular red bird
-The blue bird is where you tap on the screen and it will split apart into 3
-There is a 'pooping' bird (that's what my little brother calls it) which pretty much plops out an exploding egg
-There is a bomb bird and his specialty is when he hits something, he turns red then explodes (if you just tap it when he's flying, he'll explode mid-air)

If you really love Angry Birds, then you have to go to Urban Outfitters and you'll probably see Angry Bird plush toys for $14.99 (which I have the blue bird that makes the launching noise and the 'winning' noise. And my brother got a pig which if you play Angry Birds, you'll hear the 'losing' sound). I really like this game, so I'm giving it 10 out of 10 Apples for my game rating.

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