Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Knights Vs. Dragon

One evening my dad, brother, and I were messing around with my castle and knights. After setting up the knights around the castle, my brother thought it would be cool if a dragon attacked them. My dad then suggested we draw a backdrop for the scene and I said we should make a movie! The story goes like this:
-The knights were guarding gold and jewels inside the castle.
-Then a big a dragon came to steal it.
-The dragon blew fire on the knights and knocked down the castle to steal the jewels and gold.
-What we didn't realize though, was that the dragon didn't like us either!
-So the dragon turned towards the camera and ate us!
-Only the film survived and you can see the exculsive movie here!
Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Video Game Review! Angry Birds!

This is Angry Birds for pretty much all the iPods and iPads and everything Apple (except the computers). Angry Birds is a challenging game where you try and launch birds to knock pigs out of the game. If you're wondering why the birds are angry it's because the pigs stole their eggs. You're trying to get the eggs back from the pigs and when you hit the pigs with the birds, the pigs will go 'Poof!' and disappear.

Here are the birds in the game:
-There is a regular red bird
-The blue bird is where you tap on the screen and it will split apart into 3
-There is a 'pooping' bird (that's what my little brother calls it) which pretty much plops out an exploding egg
-There is a bomb bird and his specialty is when he hits something, he turns red then explodes (if you just tap it when he's flying, he'll explode mid-air)

If you really love Angry Birds, then you have to go to Urban Outfitters and you'll probably see Angry Bird plush toys for $14.99 (which I have the blue bird that makes the launching noise and the 'winning' noise. And my brother got a pig which if you play Angry Birds, you'll hear the 'losing' sound). I really like this game, so I'm giving it 10 out of 10 Apples for my game rating.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Video Game Review! New Super Mario Bros. for DS!

New Super Mario Bros (for Nintendo DS) is a challenging game. I'm stuck on the 6th world right now and I'm almost on the 8th. If that sounds weird, it's because you have to go through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and then 5th and 6th world then the 8th. And then you go back to the 4th and 7th world. Sounds confusing but it's fun. You play as Mario and you're trying to kick Koopa Troopa and stomp on Goombas. This game came out in 2006. The best combination you can have (if you don't know what a combination is, it's where you have a circle at the bottom of your DS screen that has an extra element to the game), so the best combination is fire flower with a mushroom. In the first world you have to beat Bowser, then after that all the worlds are you'll have to beat Bowser Jr. Pretty much all the characters are dry bones, spiders, weird dried catepillars, rockets, ghosts, guys throwing snowballs, and some other things. You can play with friends by connecting your DS and your friend can be Luigi, Waluigi, and Wario. In conclusion, I give this game 9 out of 10 Apples. What game should I review next?...

Check out the additional review below from GameTrailers.com

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the whole world!

Me and my brother made this video (with my mom's help) because my dad really is the best person on Earth.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Amazing Sand Castle! Huntington Beach Memorial Day Weekend.

My family and I went to the Huntington Beach Hyatt this past Memorial Day Weekend and we did a bunch of fun stuff like build a sand castle. To get down to the beach where the Hyatt staff helped us build it, you had to walk across a huge bridge. The beach was hot and it was the biggest beach I've ever seen. We met Mark and his wife from Dig It! a professional sand castle builder who worked for the Hyatt. When I first got down there, I saw many different sand castles that other families had made and I thought 'No way was I going to make one that big'. Then Mark came over to us and helped us out. He had tools such as a trash can with a hole in the bottom so you could dump sand and water into it. Then he had a smaller bucket you put on top of the big bucket and you put more sand and water into that. Pretty soon we had a 4' tower we could sculpt. Now I thought 'Yeah- we're going to show it off to our friends'. Other tools he had were a blue trowel that you could cut with. Then he also had a white picker that you could design with. After 2 hours we completed our masterpiece. Unfortunately, later in the day, the sun dried it out and the wind started to blow it apart. But we can look at it forever on this video. I want to go build another one this weekend at Ponto! Hope to see you there!