Saturday, January 7, 2012

Behold the Nintendo 3DS!

Behold the Nintendo 3DS! it's the new DS that you can play in 2D or 3D. It has all new buttons like the circle pad and a home button. The apps that come with it are a camera, sound system, Mii Maker, Mii plaza, AR games (that come with cards for the games) and Face Raiders.
With the camera you can take 3D or 2D pictures. With the sound system you can record a sentence then change the sound of your voice. With Mii Maker you can make Mii characters just like the Wii. There is also a Mii Plaza. If you're walking around town with your 3DS and come across someone else with a 3DS, your Mii can show up on their 3DS! And the more people you have in the plaza, the more people try to rescue the king who got kidnapped. AR Games is a new feature. You can play games like archery and AR Shoot (it's like a ball you try to shoot into a hole). What's special about AR Games is that you get an AR card and you point the 3DS camera at the card and the 3DS recognizes the card. It then unlocks a game for you to play. And the cool thing about the AR card is that it projects real time images on the screen of the picture you shot. Face Raiders is when you take a picture of someone then they come to life as an emperor that tries to attack you! You then need to blast him with balls.

There are a lot of games you can buy for the 3DS. My favorites are Mario Kart 7, Starfox 64 3D, and Madden Football. Mario Kart 7 let's you race on land, air, and sea. It's cool because instead of you just riding on land and picking your vehicle, you can customize your vehicle and your kart is equipped with a hang glider and a propeller for going underwater. I give Mario Kart 7 a rating  of 10 out of 10 Apples. I love it!

Starfox 64 3D is Starfox like you've never seen before. You can to battle new bosses and your enemy Starwolf. The game is like Star Wars but better because when you turn on the gyro controls it feels like your actually driving a space ship! And the new things you can do with your ship is that you can turn into a submarine or a tank (the tank and submarine only work on some levels). I give Starfox 64 3D a rating of 9 out of 10 Apples. I don't give it 10 out of 10 because it's a little too challenging.

In Madden Football it's like Madden '11 for the Wii but what is different is that you can play it in 3D. My favorite team to play as is the Chargers. You can play 5 on 5 or 11 on 11. I give Madden a rating of 8 out of 10 Apples. I don't give it a 10 because I think the computer plays a little too hard!
I'd like to get more games for my 3DS like Super Mario 3D Land, Kirby's Mass Attack, and De Blob 2. But I can't have them because my mom won't let me!

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