Saturday, April 2, 2011

Travel Section 4 Kids: Catalina Adventure

Last weekend I visited the island of Catalina. Sometimes I can see it from my school so I have always wanted to spend a weekend there. Saturday morning my dad drove to Dana Point so we could take the Catalina Express boat to Avalon. As we were waiting for the boat, we saw a seal on one of the docks.

We then got on the boat and I got to go up top and feel the wind. It was cold and my mom didn't want to go up there. When we got to the island we ate at a Mexican restaurant and then we did miniature golf. There was this really fun one where you could hit and it would go on a railing across a mini Grand Canyon that almost looked real.  After golf we went shopping and I found a small turtle made of shells. Later that afternoon, my brother Ryan and I blew bubbles off the deck of our hotel. And a car drove into a bubble. There were also some girls walking across the street and the bubbles made it all the way across the street and they said "BUBBLES!" and chased them down the sidewalk. We got to go to a pizza restaraunt called Anonios that you go to throw peanut shells on floor. That night we visited the famous casino building and it was also a movie theatre. It was big and there was a man inside playing a organ. We looked up at the ceiling and it was all painted with different scenes. And if you looked straight up, you could see lights that were shaped like stars and they twinkled. We also saw Rango when we were there. The next morning we ate pancakes and then we walked to Middle Beach in Avalon. Ryan and I threw rocks into the small waves. After that we rented a golf cart and drove around the island.  We saw a zip line that people took across a canyon. 

We took the golf cart to the Wrigley Memorial in the botanical gardens. The memorial was like a small castle.

We also found a ship wrecked engine on Descanso Beach. Then it was time to leave. I had a great time and would like to go back with my friends this fall.

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